Hey coffee lover,
We wanted to give you a heads up about some changes we’re making.
First up, our website is getting a glow-up next week – think smoother shopping and a fresh new look ✨ This means the store will be closed on Sunday evening through to Monday morning, so get your orders in before then.
Plus, we’re introducing subscription options on all products! You’ll soon be able to save 10% on your favourite coffees when you subscribe. Subscriptions are flexible and commitment free so you can pause, skip and cancel whenever you like.
Now, on to a less fun update (☹️) Over the last year, the cost of coffee has shot up globally – prices have risen by over 70%, a record high. We’ve tried to absorb as much of this as we can but, to keep Little’s sustainable, we need to make a small adjustment. From Monday 13th January, our prices will be increasing by around 10%.
We want you to know that we really don’t make this decision lightly, but we’re committed to delivering you high-quality coffee and keeping our business strong, long into the future!
It goes without saying that we couldn’t do this without you. We hope you understand these changes and continue to help us put an end to ordinary coffee.
Will & Team Little’s